This painting was created from an assignment through UC Berkeley Extension in which the professor had us trace certain shapes and lines in our surroundings, then compile the tracings into an abstract composition. The result is a piece that is much more original that I could have thought up on my own.

One of my geometric abstract blended with depicted landscapes. I attempted to accurately translate the orange crocosmia or coppertip flowers and some of the leaves, while abstracting colors and shapes of the overlapping grasses in the foreground.

Blackberries and Foxglove become triangles and diamonds in this geometric abstract landscape of the Oregon aoast in Florence, OR.

At first I saw the sunhat as a element of nuisance to work around, yet now I believe this feature in the painting makes the piece even stronger. The flowers are the stunning harlequin.

In the Swiss Alps, on the Tour du Mont Blanc, I walked one morning around a bend in the trail that revealed a dense array of azaleas and globe flowers. As these plants danced before me, I bounced along and the cuckoo birds songs made me feel like Alice in Wonderland.

The Bolinas Ridge trail is a lesser frequented trail along Olima-Bolinas road in Point Reyes National Seashore. This piece is one of my newer geometric abstract landscapes, with only a few thimbleberries leaves and a fir tree trunk depicted realistically.

The dune grass and rose hips at the entry of Crosby Landing Beach in Brewster, MA become diamonds and distorted triangles. This piece was my first attempt at geometric abstraction blended with depiction.

This was an assignment for Approaches to Abstraction, a course offered through UC Berkeley Extension. This piece focuses primarily on the use of color over other elements.

This painting was created from an assignment through UC Berkeley Extension in which the professor had us trace certain shapes and lines in our surroundings, then compile the tracings into an abstract composition. This piece is part of a series and I enjoy the swirling shape in the center of the painting.

Every year a palm tree outside my old apartment off Divisadero Street in San Francisco would lose a giant leaf. The base of the leaf became the canvas for this piece. I gessoed it and created a completely abstract expressionist work.

Looking down at coastal boulders near Julia Pfieffer Burns state park. This piece is one of my geometric abstractions, with very little attempt at depiction.

One of my geometric and depicted landscapes. The triangle in the upper left of this piece serves as a window into the fern lined path in Humboldt Redwoods state park. The rest of the piece is fully abstract, with colors and shapes influenced by what I saw, but rendered geometrically with fantastical colors.

Or 'The Woods of Les Houches', at the start of the Tour du Mont Blanc near Chamonix, France. One of my earlier geometric abstract landscapes.

This piece was for a watercolor assignment through Ohlone College in Fremont, CA. The assignment asked us to use textural methods like adding coarse salt, masking fluid, plastic wrap, and finger prints to create a completely abstract artwork. Though I believe this is abstract, I actually used a reference photo of a tide pool at Bean Hollow State Beach in Pescadero, CA.

My very first attempt at abstraction. My professor at Siena University in Italy encouraged me to use bold lines and geometric shapes to render a still life in a Cubist style.

Painted from a reference photo of clouds reflected in Monet's lily pond in Giverny, France.

My friend Alexa wanted a completely abstract painting. The colors we decided on were yellow, pink, and peach.

Attempt at complete non-representation. I created this work in the abstract expressionist style, spontaneously and without any plan.